Lab 05, LiDAR vegetation metrics modeling
Background and Goals: The main goal of this lab was to gain an understanding of how to extract forest metrics from LiDAR point cloud data. This was achieved through data extraction(namely canopy height) from LiDAR data through LP360, then processing said data with ArcPro. Methods: To begin this lab, we extracted vegetation height and ground elevation from LiDAR point data. This was done using the LP360 software. Using those two rasters the canopy height was then calculated, as seen below. Canopy Height Raster From there, we then had to calculate the ABG. To achieve this, first we took a land use map of the area, and re-classed it so it has our areas of interest only. That reclassed raster was then used to create a mask in the below model. AGB calculation model The below constants and equatio...