Lab One, surface temperature extraction from thermal remote sensed data
Background and goal:
The goal of this lab was to gain skills and understanding of extracting land surface temperature information from thermal bands of satellite images and drone imagery.
Starting off, we brought different types of imagery into Erdas Imagine to look for tonal quality differences, as well as practice identifying relatively warm to cool features.
From there, we began to get from DN(digital numbers) to the radiant surface temperature on 2000 thermal imagery of Eau Claire.. That was done by determining the Grescale & Brescale values of the data, and then using the model maker to run two separate models to get the radiant temperature.
Lastly, we took 2014 thermal imagery of Eau Claire and did a similar process to it as the 2000 data. The exception was that the data was first trimmed down using an AOI file, leaving the area surrounding Lake Wissota.
2014 Eau Claire thermal imagery, after being trimmed down.
Then, we ran just one longer model(pictured below) to get the final radiant surface temperature of the area.
The final result was data of the Eau Claire area with tangible surface temps, not just Digital Numbers.
Final Eau Claire surface temperature raster
This can then be applied to a number of different fields of study.
Earth Resources Observation and Science Center. (2014).[Landsat image of Eau Claire and surrounding areas]. United States Geological Survey. Provided by Cyril Wilson.
Earth Resources Observation and Science Center. (2014).[AOI file of Lake Wissota Areas]. United States Geological Survey. Provided by Cyril Wilson.
Department of Geography and Anthropology.(2020).[Drone imagery]. University of Wisconsin Eau- Claire. Provided by Cyril Wilson.
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